_restling__ (2024)

Choreographers & dancers: Alice Romberg
& Olivia Teresa Due Pyszko
Visual artist: Ójón Ara Svanhildarbur
Music: Ida Schuften Juhl
Thanks to: Dansverkstæðið, Tinna Gretarsdottir, Gígja Jónsdóttir, Rósa Ómarsdóttir

work in progress
upcoming dates:
nov 15/16 2024
reykjavik dance festival

“Rest is nowhere to be found in the fast expectations that we live under as dancers but also simply as adults in a fleeting world and burn-out society. What is rest and what can a resting state tell us? We’ve explored our potential, when resting is actually included in practice and what resting and resistance can mean a performative context.

"Rest is an act of quiet rebellion, allowing us into new ways of being and seeing the world." - Bridget Luff (movement and mediation guide)

We are considering a third option, not only the dualism of being productive and lazy, working and resting, doing and not doing. Is there anything to be found in the inbetween or outside?”

Text by Alice Romberg & Olivia Teresa Due Pyszko


the devil is in the detail (2023)